
Download jagged alliance flashback
Download jagged alliance flashback

You'll need them, because the dictator begins to send more and better trained squads to retake the island. As you capture sectors, you gain more income, which you can use to hire additional mercenaries. A group of rebels on a Caribbean island hire you to retake their country from a corrupt dictator. You play a mercenary, who you get to generate in typical rpg style. Jagged Alliance 2 is a classic, and the model for Jagged Alliance: Flashback. It turned out that I was pleasantly surprised. I would have been happier with a good fantasy RPG back then, but I had played all the ones in the store at that point, or wasn't willing to pay the price for a new game. I also had no expectations when I picked up Jagged Alliance 2 out of the bargain bin 14 years ago. I waited till the current version (1.2, which logically is the second post release patch) to play it, and quite honestly came with no expectations. I'm not sure why anyone else would have bought it.

Download jagged alliance flashback